DNA & Mission

The core brand identity (DNA) of Albert zips is built upon the following elements:

  • Albert zips is a supplier of zippers
  • Albert zips provides excellent product quality and innovative designs
  • Albert zips builds bridges with worldwide customers
  • Albert zips is a reliable, thoughtful and down-to-earth service partner
  • Albert zips does business on the basis of equality and social commitment
  • Albert zips provides added value for the long term

Our mission: "Albert zips strives to be a bridge builder for customers considering the purchase of high quality zippers. Albert zips is fully committed to be a reliable and down-to-earth service partner which finds solutions that add long term value". 

Our philosophy: "In the dynamic world of zippers, Albert zips believes that cooperation should be the foundation to everyone's success, and as a result business should be done on the basis of equality and social commitment".

Want to know more?

Read the story behind the 'A' brand